We were saving the Scottish Wildcats with Scottish Wildlife Trust

Highland wildcats are often called the Scottish Tiger because of their fierce demeanour and striking striped coat. They’ve roamed Scotland for over 2 million years, making them one of the UK’s oldest native species. At first glance, they look like large domestic tabbies. However, Highland wildcats are sturdier, with thicker tails, bold black stripes, and no white markings. They are also untamable, meaning that it’s not a good idea to try to keep them at home. Highland wildcats are mostly nocturnal, thriving in Scotland’s rugged, forested landscapes after dark.

Unlike domestic tabbies, their bushy tails have blunt black tips and thick, well-defined black rings—a telltale wildcat feature. Wildcats are the true definition of cool cats. They use scent markings rather than vocalizations to communicate territory boundaries to help avoid unnecessary confrontations.
Highland wildcats are loners by nature and prefer to roam solo. You’d be lucky to catch even a glimpse of one in the wild. Sadly, these lovely animals are critically endangered because fewer than 300 are believed to be purebred wildcats. Hybridization with domestic cats is one of the major threats facing these Scottish tigers. We’ve partnered with the Scottish Wildlife Trust to share the love for Scotland's iconic wildcats; donating to saving them from the threat of extinction. 🐾
We donate 10% of profits from your wildcat socks to

Our philosophy
Restoring the biodiversity of our planet and its varied species is at the core of Bare Kind’s mission. By donating 10% of gross profits to charities that support the animals on our socks, we can continue fighting the fight against species extinction.
Bare Kind has been able to achieve an all-time high of donations in recent years. The business expanded its sock range to 40+ pairs and supports 35+ charities.
Our Charity Impact Reports highlight the projects we have been able to fund with our charity partners and the incredible animals we support.
Our hope is that something as humble as a pair of socks can make a lasting impression on our world and change it for the better. A huge thank you goes out to all our customers who have wanted to make a difference and empower the restoration of our planet with their socks.