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I love... Pandas

Sock Stories

The Heart Behind the Business, Led by the Customer 

I want to talk to real customers about their real animal stories. As you may know by now, this isn't just about the socks but the animals behind (well....on) the socks. 

That animal may be your absolute favourite of all time- you must have anything with its face on. There may even be an emotional back story to your love for these animals. 


This was certainly the case for Angela. When we released our panda socks, she shared her story with us (and approved our sharing of it with you)!. 

Some time ago, when you sent out a request for ideas for new animal socks, I responded asking for pandas, my favourite animal since forever.

panda sitting by a wall and eating bamboo sticks

"This was one of the most amazing moments of my entire life"

I met a young giant panda once – he was 18 months old and I fed him apples in a breeding centre near Chengdu in China.  This was one of the most amazing moments of my entire life to be actually in the company of this little chap.  This as a time when the entire population of giant pandas in the whole world was down to just over 600.  I had to wear plastic gloves and feet coverings, but they let me into his area (there are no fences – they keep the animals in with a network of ditches) and was allowed to stroke him for a few minutes.  His fur was sort of bouncy, a bit like sheep’s wool, but hairy, his eyes were surprisingly tiny and he had long claws and sharp rows of teeth.

 Angela's family, wearing the socks she gifted them for Christmas last year! 

Please also feel free to use my story about meeting the boy panda. Such a special moment for me - and I look forward to seeing other stories from your customers.  For me at least, the absolute best bit about travelling seems always to be the animals.

The Power of Socks

Mundane. Functional. There for you on cold days, something for you to be goofy with when you're feeling low, or well. We've all done a little foot dance at some point in our lives. 

Creativity. The moment you put colour, designs, and meaning onto any given object, it wields so much more, enriching your day-to-day life. Simply looking at it can brighten up your day, life the corners of your lips a little. We have people telling us about how their socks make them so happy- be that because the animal print is adorable to them, or they simply love the colours... or, like Angela, they have a very personal story relating to their chosen animal sock. 

It's amazing how powerful something as simple as a sock can be- and it's why I want to tell more of these stories, because the animals are what mean so much to you, and that is why I am running this company. 

Angela wanted to share her love for pandas with her whole family, so she bought all 20 of them panda socks!  

Do you have a story you'd like to share?

We'd love to hear from you and share your animal tales! Get in touch via the website or email lucyjeffrey@barekind.co.uk

"Such a special moment for me - and I look forward to seeing other stories from your customers"

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